AGROTECH is a branch association, registered on 19.10.2021.
The founders are 36 Bulgarian companies - producers and importers of agricultural machinery and technologies.

A branch organization that aims to unite:

- We work for a better and united branch

Fully open to the whole branch:

- To large and small companies, manufacturers and importers in Bulgaria

- No STOP clauses:

- Opportunity for membership by all manifacturers, traders and importers.

Association without commercial activity and commercial purposes:

- Negotiate equal general conditions for all members

- Subsistence only from equal membership fees

It is managed by the Management Board, which consists of 4 (four) members elected by the General Assembly: Chairman of the Management Board and three members of the Management Board for a term of 2 years.


The goals of AGROTECH

· To create modern conditions and development for the production and sale of agricultural machinery and technologies in Bulgaria;
· To be the basis for unification of all producers and importers of agricultural machinery and technologies in Bulgaria;
· To stimulate and affirm respect and collegiality among its members;
· To unite the efforts of its members for the development of fair competition on the market of agricultural machinery and technologies in the country;
· To assist in the development of contacts between producers, importers and customers of the agricultural sector in Bulgaria by organizing and participating in exhibitions, campaigns and initiatives common to its members;
· To develop and propose to state bodies opinions, normative proposals and changes in the normative regulation in the interest of the development of the market of agricultural machinery and technologies in the country;
· To inform and stimulate the implementation of innovations, developments and achievements in the field of agricultural engineering and technologies in Bulgaria;
· To cooperate with other organizations in the country and abroad.

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