AGROTECH presents the conference "New opportunities for agriculture 2022"

The event is part of the seminar program of International Plovdiv Fair and will be held in Plovdiv   Hall from 14:00h. on 09.03.2022

Participants in the conference will be The National Grain Producer Association (NGPA), Department of Agriculture and Department of Commerce at the US Embassy in Bulgaria, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bulgaria and Agricultural University Plovdiv

How we choose our partners for the event?

The US Embassy in Bulgaria and also the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bulgaria generally support the agricultural sector in our country, while The National Grain Producer Association (NGPA) is the largest branch association in our country. Together with the Agricultural University Plovdiv they will consider the opportunities for growth of agriculture in our country in the current 2022 year and discuss the new opportunities and students training in the sector.

What is the meeting goal?

The meeting is with the ambition to be one of the main events of AGRA this year, for the fact that representatives of lead branch associations together with the education system will meet and build the strong foundation for successful partnership and will outline the ways for the growth of the sector with successful collaboration.

How you can participate?             

Access to the event is limited to people with personal invitations due to the limited capacity of the hall.

If you want to participate, but have not yet received a personal invitation, you can contact us by writing to and to request yours.



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Webinar-Discussion "Agricultural Machinery in the New Program Period and the National Resilience and Recovery Plan"

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