Members of the AGROTECH Association used the summer months to familiarize themselves in detail with the opportunities and challenges of trading agricultural machinery within the framework of the new program period and the Recovery Plan. This happened during a webinar on August 3rd, 2023, organized specifically for them. Maria Hristova, a representative from the "Rural Development" Directorate at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, as well as the European Institute of Innovation, participated.
The main topics discussed during the online event were as follows:
∙ Standards for maintaining land in good agricultural and ecological condition
∙ Strategic development plan for agriculture and rural areas for the period 2023 – 2027
∙ Direct payments
∙ Eco-schemes
∙ New investment interventions
∙ National recovery plan
The participants in the discussion had the opportunity to ask their questions and receive clarifications on various cases, and after all evaluated positively the format and usefulness of the event.
Webinar-Discussion "Agricultural Machinery in the New Program Period and the National Resilience and Recovery Plan"